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Kurt Brouwer & The Last Disciple Series

The past twelve months have been hectic for Kurt because he’s been spending so much time researching and writing about Christians in the first century. In particular, he’s been more than a little bit obsessed with John, the last of the twelve disciples.

Nine years ago, he did a study at his church on the Apostle John. That little project got him hooked on the man who started out life as a fisherman and then became the last disciple of Christ. The more he learned about John, the more he wanted to know.

If you’ve ever been obsessed by anything, you’ll understand that Kurt couldn’t stop researching, digging, diving into the life of John and all those around him. What did John do after the Crucifixion? Why did he wait so long to write the Gospel of John?Where did he live for the last 60 years of his life?

And the result of all that research is a four-book series of Christian historical novels based on the Bible and Christian history. The Last Disciple: Crisis in Jerusalem is the first in the series to be published.

By way of background, Kurt retired a few years back as the chairman and co-founder of an investment management / financial advisory firm in California. He spent 36 years in that industry, the last 27 in the firm he founded. Over that time, he also wrote two investment books and articles in publications ranging from Forbes to the San Francisco Chronicle to Pension World.

But now that’s ancient history. Kurt lives a quiet life with his family on a tropical island, so he should be hanging out at the beach, playing golf, taking it easy, right? Well, he does all that from time to time, but what gets him fired up these days is writing about his Christian faith on this web site,

Kurt’s obsession with Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible, and the first Christians led him to begin writing about one of the most amazing men in history. A few years back, Kurt did a study for his church on the Apostle John. If you’ve ever been obsessed by anything, you’ll understand what happened. Kurt couldn’t stop researching, digging, diving into the life of John and other first century Christians.

The Apostle John was also known as John, son of Zebedee, the Beloved Disciple. This is a man who went from being a teenaged fisherman on the Sea of Galilee to discipleship first with John the Baptist and then later with Jesus Christ. He wrote the Gospel of John and in the fulness of time he became the last disciple because he outlived all the others.

As Kurt read and thought about John and the other disciples, he got frustrated because the Bible does not have much in it about them in their later lives. What happened to them? Where did they live? How did they die? Why did some write books of the Bible while others did not?

Kurt read books by early church historians who wrote quite a bit more more about the disciples, but they often contradicted each other. Further, they never really delved into the daily lives and motivations, joys and sorrows of the first Christians.

So the story of John, the last disciple, had never been told. Until now. Kurt took all of his research and knowledge, all the insights and details he had acquired and turned it into a series of Christian historical novels based on research and Biblical knowledge.

The Last Disciple: Crisis in Jerusalem is the first in the Last Disciple series. Book two is: The Last Disciple: Escape to Antioch. Book three is: The Last Disciple: Exile in Ephesus. Book four is: The Last Disciple: Gospel of John. All are available on as either an ebook or a paperback.

If you want to reach out to Kurt, email works best: