God is Calling
I have to admit that for years I never realized God was calling me. But He was. It was not a loud voice or a phone call, nor even a lightning bolt. Instead it was a quiet, inner voice making a suggestion, over and over. If I did not know God was calling, what about you? Do you know that God is calling you?

i struggled to understand
When God began calling me, I struggled to understand or even make sense of it. The tangible world all around me drew my attention with its bright lights and vibrant sounds. People, places, and even my pride took up all my time, attention, and interest.
One day it dawned on me that all the things I built my life on were breaking down. Work. Friends. Family. I was getting older. People I knew had died. Others moved away. I longed for more, but did not know where to find it.
I believe our inner spirit longs for more. For a fuller existence. Yet this world, this natural world, cannot give us what we want.
do you long for something more
Would you like to live a fuller life? To live a fuller life, we have to face facts. This world, the natural world, has great beauty and wonderful things, yet nothing in it is permanent nor eternal. Yet there is something more. Something greater in store.
The spiritual world exists in a quiet spectrum that does not insist on or demand our attention. In fact, we must be called by God before we even begin to sense it. Once we perceive the unseen hand of God at work, we have a choice. Do we seek more or do we ignore?
you have to let go…just a little bit
To seek a fuller life, you have to let go of this world just a little bit. Now letting go a little bit doesn’t mean you have to give it all up. Instead, you can start by simply taking a moment when you get up to think of something beautiful in your life.
Say a prayer of thanks. Look at the beauty and complexity of the light at sunrise. Think on things that are lovely. Written 2000 years ago, these words remind us to do these things:
‘whatever is true, whatever is noble…’
Philippians 4:8 NIV
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8 NIV
when god calls, pay attention
If God calls you, pay attention. But how can you know? Do you find yourself daydreaming about a simpler life? Do you wonder what happens when you die? Are things you did in the past–things you’re not proud of–coming back to mind?
Turn to God, the source of all life in the universe. If you doubt God, then that’s your choice. But God stands at the door calling for you. He even knocks. Yet you must open it.
‘if anyone hears my voice’
Revelation 3:20 NIV
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20 NIV
What happens if you do not open the door and invite God in? To be candid, nothing. When God calls and you fail to answer, eventually He moves on. The knocking at your door ceases and you continue with your life. Maybe God will call you again or maybe He won’t. But we do not that an opportunity to begin a relationship with God has been missed.
I know one thing for sure
Some day my body will die. Some day you will die too. What happens then? It’s hard for any of us to grasp the end of our physical existence. Yet we both know that day will come.
If you want more, then seek the timeless beauty God has waiting for you. When you hear God’s call, respond to it.
Don’t forget to check out this post:
Charles Stanley says what you are saying, that when God calls us and we ignore that call he is probably going to remain silent until we go back.
Being the kind father that he is he may nag a bit and find another way to say it but we cannot just go on from where we ignored him and think evil will transform to good. As Lewis says, when you have miscalculated early in an equation you can never get the correct result by going on. You must go back and, in grace, find where you went wrong.
So glad you found his way in you.
Brother Brent
Amen. I’m in good company with Charles Stanley.
One additional point is that God calls us for a purpose and if we ignore His call, the door He opened will eventually close. That opportunity will be over. It’s a harsh thing, but true in my view.
And I am also very glad that the Holy Spirit touched my hard heart and led me back to Him.