New Online Book Tour

In the old days, a book tour meant the author had to travel to book stores and sit at a table piled high with his or her books. Maybe people would show up or maybe they wouldn’t.

Now we have new ways of touring. This is my second online book tour with Celebrate Lit, a wonderful organization spreading the word about Christian books. They put books in the hands of avid book reviewers who then write up what they liked or didn’t like about a given book for their own readers and followers.

Escape to Antioch book tour announcement

This tour begins in September and features the second book in The Last Disciple Series.

What Is Celebrate Lit?

Celebrate Lit is a ministry whose goal is to bring great Christian books into the hands of readers. They hope you will find books that will bless you and meet new authors that will inspire you in your faith.

The Last Disciple: Escape to Antioch

Reviews & More

book cover for The Last Disciple: Escape to Antioch

The Last Disciple: Escape to Antioch has already received 54 reviews and ratings on Amazon with an overall 4.6 out of 5 points on the rating system.

This week it’s been either #1 or #2 in the Christian Classics and Allegories category at

The Last Disciple Series is a series of Christian historical novels based on the Bible and Christian church history.

The first book, The Last Disciple: Crisis in Jerusalem began the saga of the disciple, John. The Last Disciple: Escape to Antioch continues the story of his life.

Here’s a link to the series on Amazon: The Last Disciple Series

As we get closer to September, I’ll give you the web sites that will be reviewing the book on the Celebrate Lit tour. If you like reading Christian novels, then check them out.

Many thanks to Sandra and everyone at Celebrate Lit. 

Yours in Christ, Kurt

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