Do You Want More Love In Your Life?
We all know the look of romantic love. Secret, unconscious smiles. Dreamy stares into the distance. Heartfelt sighs. The look of love…is in your eyes. Do you want more love in your life? Do you want more love from your husband or wife? But it’s not just romantic love is it? Do you want more love from your family and friends? More love from those around you?

Good News & Bad News
- The good news is you can be as fully in love as you want to be.
- The bad news is you can’t control the love you receive, only the love you give.
Have you ever ‘tried’ to get someone to like or love you? Tried to get someone’s approval? How did that work out for you?
Time to stop all that. Instead, simply focus on giving love, not on how much you get. If you want your family to love you more, don’t try to get love from them. Instead, give them your love without strings or conditions.
To get more love, follow…

‘Do to others…’
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you…”
Matthew 7:12 NIV
The Golden Rule, works well because Jesus understood the human heart and mind. He knew that we already know what we want in most situations, so it should be easy for us to figure out how to treat the people around us. Just do for others the same thing you or I would want.
The Golden Rule goes against human nature
The Golden Rule goes against much of human nature, which often fixates on getting, not giving. It’s all about demanding what we want or claiming victimhood if we aren’t getting what we want.
No matter how enticing the blame game may be to you, it does not work well if you want to love. In some cases, people get something by blaming others, but they do not gain love.
Remember the title of this post. Do you want more love in your life? By accusing others, criticizing them, by blaming them, you may get some money, position, or notoriety….but you won’t gain love.
How do I start getting more love in my life?
You start by treating those around you the way you would like to be treated. You start by giving more love than you have been giving.
This rule of love gives us a clear guideline on how to treat others. Who are these others? Family, friends, everyone you know or come into contact with, and everyone with whom you communicate. That’s a pretty complete list, isn’t it?
If you want more love, then follow the Golden Rule
If you want your family to love you more, don’t try to get love from them. Instead, give them your love without strings or conditions. Do this no matter who you are: A father or mother. A son or daughter. A server or a CEO. A crew chief or foreman. Even on social media.
You’ll begin to see how this ancient rule of love, the Golden Rule, can transform your life and increase the love you give and the love you receive.
My favorite way to avoid political arguments is to say, “I would love to talk about politics with you but as a follower of Christ I am obliged to love you. If we can have a discussion in the context of of loving each other I am happy to do so. If not then I must demure.”
At that point they realize my problems are far deeper than wrong-think political opinions and it can turn into a I Peter 3:15 moment.
Brother Brent
Not exactly sure how politics fits the Golden Rule post, but I generally avoid political discussions as you do. By the way, I was impressed with your use of the word demure in its old fashioned meaning. I’ve never used that word in a non-ironic sense. And only then, once or twice.
And, as a service for those who do not have the Bible memorized,
1 Peter 3:15 NIV: “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…”
Alas, it is ‘demur’.