Seeking & Finding God
Years ago, my wife and I went on a kayak camping trip in Mexico. We started from a little town called Loreto which sits on the Gulf of California in Baja California.
After a week of camping on the beach and swimming in salt water, we desperately needed a shower. When we finally got to a hotel, the water pressure was more of a trickle than a deluge, but it was still a luxury. Being clean felt great after a week of beach camping.
When it comes to our natural needs, we respond instinctively. Whether it’s breathing, eating, drinking or even getting clean–we seek these things automatically.
Seeking God
But when it comes to seeking God, our human instincts often fail us. We seek God, but at a lower level than we do when we’re physically hungry or thirsty.
I walked outside about 5:40 AM the other day. The sky was beginning to lighten and I could see everything, even though the sun had not yet risen.
This orderly progression from darkness to light happens every day, whether I’m paying attention or not. God is faithful and, now that I’m looking, I find him everywhere–in the sunset and the sunrise, the stars and the moon.

I felt God’s hand at work in the gorgeous rays of light that morning.
But I have to admit, I often take his handiwork for granted.
How many sunrises have I missed? How many sunsets have I ignored?
Yet, God dials the sunrise up every day whether I’m watching or not. God is faithful.
God Is Faithful
God is faithful. He never misses a sunrise or a sunset. Never fails to turn on the stars at night. We can never be as faithful as God, but we can still get better. And we do that by actively seeking him.
Once I began to actively seek God, this verse finally made sense to me:
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Romans 1:20 NIV
Even though God’s invisible qualities can be seen everywhere, how do we connect with him in our own daily lives?
The answer Is Here…
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13 NIV
What Does ‘All My Heart’ Mean?
The Bible uses the term ‘heart’ to mean our essential human and spiritual nature. To seek God with all my heart means to seek him with everything I have. Certainly, I have to use my mind, but the heart transformed by the Holy Spirit must guide me.
The creator of the heavens and the earth has told us the secret to finding him. He wants us to seek him like a man dying of thirst would seek water. If we do just that, he has promised that we will find him.
Do you want to seek God with all your heart? Then you’re on…
The Greatest Journey Of All
If you want to go deeper in your faith, then seeking God with all your heart is the answer. But how do we get started?
I don’t claim to have all the answers. But throughout the centuries many believers have found that the Greatest Journey of All starts in a very specific way…
On Our Knees
“Prayer is beyond any question the highest activity of the human soul. Man is at his greatest and highest when upon his knees he comes face to face with God.”
― Reverend Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Rev. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Letter to his daughter on guidance)
Does God hear us when we get on our knees and pray? You might be tempted to say ‘…of course he does.’ But that may not be true. After all, God makes the rules and he decides how and when to hear prayers.
God Makes The Rules, Not Us
The excellent Grace To You website put it this way:
At the heart of every false religion is the notion that man can come to God by any means he chooses—by meditating, doing good deeds, and so on…
Grace To You
If we really are seeking God, it makes sense to do it the way he wants. He created the universe, so he makes the rules. For example, when I pray, what determines whether or not God hears me? Is it because of my earnest needs or heartfelt cries?
Probably not.
‘God Does Not Hear Us Because We Pray Earnestly’
In his daily devotion for September 16, 2023, Oswald Chambers made a critical point on the power and purpose of prayer:
God does not hear us because we pray earnestly—He hears us solely on the basis of redemption. God is never impressed by our earnestness. Prayer is not simply getting things from God—that is only the most elementary kind of prayer. Prayer is coming into perfect fellowship and oneness with God.
My Utmost For His Highest (September 16, 2023)
If you want to seek God with all your heart, then I believe the journey starts with prayer based on the redemption of Christ on the cross. There’s more to seeking God, but I believe prayer in the name of Jesus is the only place to start.
the Greatest Journey Of All

Start The journey
To be sure, you’ve probably been on the greatest journey of all for a while. I have too. But the journey still lies ahead of us.
We start the journey each day by getting on our knees and praying in the name of Jesus. Then we get up and get going.
I’ll post more on my journey. If you feel like sharing, let me know how you’re coming along. You can share your story either in the comments or by sending me an email by clicking right here.
Yours in Christ, Kurt