Inspirational Fiction & NonFiction

Today I have a fun surprise to share with you. I’ve teamed up with 45 authors on a sweepstakes. Two lucky winners will get a huge collection of Inspirational Fiction & NonFiction ebooks. And the Grand Prize winner gets a new eReader.

This collection is for inspirational titles as well as those that are explicitly Christian. Nonetheless, many are Christian books including one from a wonderful author of Christian historical fiction, Mesu Andrews:

There is a book on Biblical finance from Pastor Scott LaPierre:

One more selection caught my eye. It’s a fun-looking, illustrated book of Bible stories:

The giveaway runs through August 7, 2024. I hope you enjoy it. You can enter by clicking on the button below:

Now I have to get back to work on revisions for book four in The Last Disciple Series. Normally, editing and revising can be tedious, but so far it’s going well.

I am also getting close to a final cover design. When I do, I’ll post it.

Lord willing, we will have book four out by year-end. The title will be: The Last Disciple: Gospel of John.

Yours in Christ, Kurt

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