Would You Like A Little Joy In Your Life?
Would you like a little joy in your life? Or even a lot? If so, you must choose it. Seek it. Welcome joy like the desert welcomes an early Spring rain. Let joy in so that it can refresh your spirit just as a soft rain nourishes early flowers like the crocus.

After a long, dry winter, the rain finally comes down. Softly, sweetly nourishing the land. And the land then puts forth lovely flowers designed by our Creator to mark the new life of Spring.
The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God. Isaiah 35:1-2 NIV
A harbinger of new life
The verses from the prophet Isaiah show the crocus bursting into bloom so vibrantly that it rejoices and shouts for joy.
The crocus blooms early in Israel. It comes forth almost like a miracle after the cold weather of winter.
This lovely flower brings delight in the late Winter and early Spring, a harbinger of new life.
The crocus follows the will of its creator
The crocus blooms in its time of glory when few other flowers show. Yet in time it will wither and die. For that is God’s plan for the crocus. It blooms, and then it dies. Do we mourn the short lives of these flowers, or do we simply admire them when they bloom?
We live and bloom like the crocus. We last a bit longer, but we exist only for a time. Can we rejoice and shout for joy like the land when the rains fall? Can we burst forth like the crocus?
The crocus is a harbinger of warm weather. Its purpose is to add beauty to land without much beauty or color in the early spring.
What is my purpose? Or yours? Is it something in the nature of the world or in nature and by the will of our Creator? Could we be harbingers of good things like the crocus?
In His Image
God created mankind in his own image.
Genesis 1:27a NIV
Stop for a moment and consider this verse. God created us in His image. We exist because our Creator brought us forth. And He did this for a reason, that we live as He intended.
If you believe that, what comes next? Do you want to grow in His image? Draw near to Him? Or do you seek out the bangles and baubles, the shiny toys of this world?
Are toys worthy of our devotion?

Admittedly, this customized Toyota pickup appeals to the toy-loving boy hidden deep in many men. I wouldn’t want to pay for it, but I’d love to take it on a test drive.
Face it: at one time or another, most of us have gotten sucked into seeking the bright, shiny toys offered by the world around us. But we have found those toys don’t last.
Shiny new trucks turn into old, broken-down trucks. New clothes get stained or torn. Toys break down and stop working.
We have all pursued the promises, the attractions, and the pleasures of this weary old world at one time or another.
But choosing the world, chasing bright lights and shiny toys only brings about sad reflection or even despair as you look back on your life.
False gods, with empty promises
We pursue the toys and promises of this world. But then we find that those are false gods with empty promises.
For all the gods of the nations are idols,
but the Lord made the heavens.
27 Splendor and majesty are before him;
strength and joy are in his dwelling place. (1 Chronicles 16:26-27 NIV)
Our Creator made the heavens and the Earth. If we do not cry out to Him, then even the stones, the sea, and the trees will do so.
Even the seas and the trees will sing
Let the sea resound, and all that is in it;
let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them!
33 Let the trees of the forest sing,
let them sing for joy before the Lord,
for he comes to judge the earth. (1 Chronicles 16:26-27 NIV)
Do you want a little joy in your life? Or even a lot? Here are some steps to get you started:
- Stop chasing the toys and baubles of the world
- Don’t get caught up in the endless human drama around you
- Seek your Creator with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength
If you are unsure how to seek your Creator, get down on your knees and ask God for guidance and discernment. And start reading the Bible. Finally, come back here. You can find lots to help you in your walk with God throughout this blog.
Why thanks for the exhortation. I slept late this morning (delightful) but when awake I saw the time and I thought I best get on about my day. So I’ll fit my long prayer time in later.
Natch, did find time to check email, you know, the important stuff. And there you were, my brother, with your exhortation to seek His joy. And NOW. Here, right now, in the only ongoing moment we ever have.
Not saving prayer for later today. So thanks.
You are most welcome. And you are right. This is the moment, right now, to seek God and to find joy in life.